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With this easy peasy pizza dough you can have a homemade pizza dough ready for toppings in about 10 minutes.

10 Minute Pizza Dough

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  • Author: Audra


  • .25 oz envelope of highly active yeast
  • 2 TBSP honey
  • 1 1/4 cup water heated to 120-130 degree F
  • 3 cups of bread flour + additional flour (for the working surface and for dusting)
  • 3/4 tsp kosher salt
  • 3 TBSP extra virgin olive oil


  1. First, in a in a mixing bowl dissolve one .25oz packet of rapid rise yeast and honey in 120-130 F warm water.
  2. Let the mixture stand until creamy, about 5-6 minutes.
  3. I used my kitchen aid mixer, but you can also do this step by hand. If you are using a mixer attach the dough hook and slowly mix in 3 cups of bread flour, salt, and 3 TBSP of olive oil and mix until you have pizza dough. You may need to add up to 1/2 cup more of flour.
  4. Let the dough rest for 5 minutes.
  5. The dough may be a little sticky, if so just add a little flour to your hands and place the dough on a floured working surface.
  6. Dust the dough with flour and knead a few times to smooth out the dough.
  7. Dust your rolling pin and roll your dough into any size and shape.
  8. *please note – before placing sauce and toppings on the pizza dough, pre-bake rolled pizza dough on foil for approximately 5 minutes @ 425 degree F or on a hot grill to stabilize the crust. Cooking times may vary between gas and electric ovens and the thickness of your desired dough.


My family prefers a thin and crispy crust, so I am able to get approximately four 10 inch pizzas out of this recipe. When cooking this pizza in the oven I cook the pre-baked pizza on foil for 15-20. Then remove the foil and cook the pizza directly on the oven rack for another 5 minutes for a crispy crust.