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Classic Deviled Egg Recipe

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  • Author: Audra


  • 8 large, hard boiled eggs
  • 45 leveled TBSP Mayo
  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard or regular mustard
  • 1 heaping TBSP sweet pickle relish
  • small pinch kosher salt
  • small pinch ground pepper
  • small pinch garlic powder
  • paprika (garnish)
  • fresh chopped chives (garnish)


  1. Peel the outer shell and cut the eggs in half lengthwise.
  2. Remove yolks and place in a mixing bowl. Place the egg whites on a serving dish.
  3. With a fork, mash the egg yolks until nice and fluffy.
  4. Add all ingredients except the garnishes.
  5. Combine ingredients and then dollop yolk in the egg whites.
  6. Garnish with a light dusting of paprika and chopped chives.