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Watermelon Agave Snowballs

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  • Author: Audra


Serves approximately 6


  • 8 cups cubed, seedless watermelon
  • 1/4 cup agave nectar, (I used agave in the raw)


  1. First, puree 8 cups of cubed, seedless watermelon and 1/4 cup of agave nectar.
  2. In the sink open a gallon size freezer baggie and pour in the watermelon mixture.
  3. Close the baggie and make sure the baggie does not leak before placing it in the freezer.
  4. Lay the baggie flat in the freezer and let it freeze for 4-6 hours or until a soft snow consistency is formed. You can even freeze this mixture for days.
  5. If you leave your watermelon mixture in the freezer over night, place the baggie under a plate and leave it out on the kitchen counter to thaw until you can break up the watermelon with your hands or with the back of a spoon.
  6. Serve with a festive straw and spoon. Enjoy!


If you like a little salt with your watermelon add 1/4 tsp of kosher salt to the pureed watermelon for a salted watermelon agave snowball.