We did it! Us girls made it through our #thirstyforlife 4 week challenge. Was it hard? Sometimes. Was it worth it? You bet ya! If you missed all the details of this challenge click over to #thirstyforlife Challenge Week 1, because it is never too late to start. I am so proud of us for taking this challenge and believing in ourselves for a healthier lifestyle. Before starting this challenge I was already a big water drinker, but I sometimes I knew I just wasn’t drinking as much as I should. Keeping up with my water ounces for a whole 4 weeks as taught me if I cannot take care of myself first, how can I truly help the ones around me. Stepping out and sipping water as apart of my daily habit as definitely put a new perspective on life.
At the end of week I reported more energy and a small weight reduction. I am happy to announce my energy level is still up and my weight has fluctuated between 119-121 (the life of a women, right?). If I combined this new water habit with exercise I am confident I could tone up and see results. I have less desire to snack, because I am busy sipping water! I really did see an improvement with my eye puffiness, but not so much with dark circles. I think mine are just hereditary. I did experience a few headaches but they were not severe and my monthly cycle was more tolerable. I also had no bothersome pimples or breakouts this month. I am so excited with my results that I will continue to drink 10-12 cups a water a day. Ready for the visual results? These photos were taken with an iPhone and were not edited, nor do they have filters. I am also make up free.
As you can see from the photos above I did not lose 10 years off my face, nor did my physical appearance dramatically change. I am not here to tell you this water challenge will give you unimaginable results. However, I am here to shout from the roof tops I do feel better about myself inside and out and I was so happy with the results within my own experiment. I will continue to carry around my water bottle where ever I go and take one sip at a time. According to the Cancer.net we loose 10 cups of water a day by simply breathing, sweating, and going to the bathroom. Here are a few important reasons to why it is important to stay hydrated, truly hydrated!
First, calculated the amount of water your body needs daily to stay fully hydrated. calculated by dividing your body weight in half and the number you get is the number of ounces you drink daily in water. For example I weighed myself at the beginning of week one and I checked in at 123. So I divided 123 by 2 and get 61.5 ounces (approximately 7.6 cups a day). If you are working outside, doing house work, exercising, hiking, soaking up sun, or doing any other demanding physical activity you should increase your individual water input an additional four cups. Why is it so important to drink water to stay hydrated? Because it allows the body to:
Removes waste and toxins
Transports nutrients and oxygen
Controls heart rate and blood pressure
Regulates body temperature
Lubricates joints
Protects organs and tissue, including the eyes, ears, and heart
Creates saliva
(source link)
I hope this water challenge testimony will help you strive to stay hydrated. Remember it is never too late to start, just take one sip at a time!
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