Happy Tuesday everyone!
Today I’m going to kinda combine two posts because they both go together : )
Steph over at Pendants by Steph was kinda enough to give me a blog award! These make me feel so special!!
By receiving this award, I now must follow the rules that go along with the award… I must share 7 facts about myself and then share the award with 10 bloggers.
So here are the facts.
1. I am 24 and I have grey hair… not a few little strands I have “OMG I can’t believe you have that much grey here, I gotta dye it every 4-6 weeks because it looks terrible” grey hair!
2. I record Knit and Crochet today on my TV
3. My mom and sister are my best friends!!
4. My absolute favorite thing to eat is Chicken Marsala from Carabba’s
5. I hate people that don’t know how to function in a 4 way stop. It’s not stop then go. It’s stop, wait your turn, THEN you can go.
6. I wear my pajamas to wal mart sometimes. I can’t help it. I love my pajamas!
7. I love the movie Waking Ned Divine
There are som pretty awesome people out there in blogland and I would not only like to pass this award on, but pay tribute to all of them for being awesome!!
1. Janette @ The Johanson Journey (who happens to host Tribute Tuesday, go link up your posts!!!! Plus she is my bloggy bff and super duper awesome!!!)
2. The V Spot
10. Polka Dots on Parade
Make sure and check all these ladies out, they have some awesome blogs I have learned something from every single one of them!!
Don’t forget to check out my giveaway going on now!!!! Click here to enter!
I’m linking this post to:
TheVelvetBox says
Aw! Thanks!!! I love that your mom & sis are your best friends. (It balances the fact that you DVR a knitting show.) ;) kidding!
Thanks so much!!!
Thank you for the award!
Reasons To Skip The Housework
Of course you had to mention the chicken marsala! Dang it!! And I feel like a Million bucks for having you give me an award!! You ROCK! BIG LOVIN TEXAS SIZED HUGS!!!
It's so nice to learn a little bit more about you… and thank you for the award!