December is coming to a close and we will soon open the door to a new year. It’s so easy to recognize the drastic difference in days as we take that step from December 31st to January 1st, but this year I want to treat each day as a new day, a new chance for opportunity, a blank slate for creativity, and I want to enjoy each and every day like it’s the first day of the rest of my life. It’s not about getting through one day to get to the next, because in reality I have learned that each new day presents it’s own problems, so it’s time to focus on the very minute my feet are planted in. I don’t want to set myself up for failure with a long list of goals, so I’ll just keep that list mentally so I can adjust as life changes, but one thing I do want to accomplish this year is deepening my relationship with God, but not just because it’s a new year, because it’s something I crave to do each and every day yet always seem to fall short on. I am so thankful that I serve a God who forgives in a way I can’t even comprehend, and each new day provides a clean slate because of the price He paid!
I think 2016 is going to be amazing and I would love for you to walk alongside me in this crazy journey of life. But before we jump over that threshold of new beginnings, let’s recap how great 2015 has been for us here at Cherished Bliss! Today I’m joining some of my blogging friends to share with you my top 15 projects from this year! So after you reach number 1 you can hop around and see what they have been up to!
So without further ado I give you the top 15 projects of 2015!
13. Industrial Farmhouse Kitchen
12. DIY Herringbone Outdoor Table Building Plans
10. Farmhouse Writing Table Building Plans
9. Rustic Industrial Master Bedroom
8. DIY Outdoor Bench Building Plans
5. How to Get a Farmhouse Style Finish
2. Kitchen Island Building Plans
and the MOST popular post in 2015 was…….
1. How to Alter Kitchen Cabinets
Thanks so much for making this blog a success and following along with all my crazy idea. I can’t believe my idea to cut a cabinet in half was the most popular project I shared this year, haha!! Apparently I’m not the only one who wants to take a saw to cabinets!
Below are the lovely ladies who are sharing their top projects from 2o15 along with me, be sure to stop by and say hi, these ladies are the best of the best!! : )
The Blissful Bee | Making Home Base | Nina Hendrick Design Co. | Maison de Pax
House by Hoff | The Happy Housie | Life on Virginia Street
So Much Better with Age | Cherished Bliss | Migonis Home | Just a Girl and Her Blog
You can also check out the Top Posts from 2014 HERE
Abby Lawson says
What a fantastic year you’ve had, Ashley! Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful projects!
~Abby =)
Krista says
Amazing year, Ashley!! So many beautiful and fabulous DIY projects- and I can see why the kitchen modifications is your most viewed post. Your kitchen turned out so beautifully!! I look forward to following along this year and seeing what you dream up and share! Happy New Year!
Jamie says
What an amazing year you’ve had, Ashley! I love your woodwork posts. I have to go back and read them all. Can’t wait to see what you do in 2016.
hugs, Jamie
Amy@TheBlissfulBee says
Wow I’m not sure I can pick a favorite – they’re all so good!
Chelsea says
You crushed it this year! That kitchen still makes me swoon! Happy New Year, Ashley!! xo
April Hoff says
Wow! You’ve accomplished so much in a year, Ashley! I’m in love with your kitchen, and I’m off to pin every image! xo
Albert Costello says
great post
evawillms says
Wow! Amazing! I love it. Run 3
Tiny Fishing says
I usually watch them to learn something new and then play Tiny Fishing for fun; if you’re looking for a good knockout game, you should give it a shot. Make the boys think they’re smarter than you do.
jonemartin says
You are a working woman and your projects are realy admirable. I have watched the video clip that you mentioned above.
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